
Happy Wednesday!

Greetings Parents and Community Members:

At Brandon we are so lucky to have the resources and funds available not just from Atlanta Public Schools, which has done an amazing job of moving more funds to the school level, but also from our wonderful Foundation. As you may know, each child at Brandon and within APS is allotted a small amount of money from the district. This money can be used for textbooks, teachers, professional development or IB implementation. How the funds are used is a decision of the GO Team. In a school the size of Brandon with the amount of staff and students we have, we are fortunate enough to have the additional support from parents like you! What the Foundation does for Brandon is immensely helpful not just in running the day to day operations of the largest elementary school in APS but it also helps give our Brandon students the world class education they deserve. The Foundation has helped purchase workbooks for our ELA Wit and Wisdom units, digital online subscriptions for science and social studies and even bought EVERY child at Brandon a full subscription to MyLexia, an intervention and acceleration based reading program. It doesn’t stop there! You may have admired our two beautiful turf fields, the new projector screen at the MC, brand new walkie talkies for our staff and our visitor management system, LobbyGuard-  all purchased through our Foundation. Most importantly, the Foundation has helped build the capacity of the number one indicator of student success, our teachers! Over 65 are now trained in Complete Reading Series and Orton Gillingham multisensory learning because of your donations.The Foundation has helped with purchasing new art supplies, funding our International Travelers Week and of course, answered the call of of many teachers with several mini grants. These things would not and could not happen without the support of donors like you!

I wanted to take this edition of the Beemail to reach out for the support of our current initiative, The BEEfund. We need your help to reach our goal of $250,000. We have already raised nearly 30% of our goal, but in order to get there by October 11th, we need 100% participation! No dollar amount is too small!  Don’t forget that there are many ways to raise money, like matching corporate gifts and stock donations. I’ve also charged every single staff member at Brandon to donate. The grade level with the highest participation earns a DJ party and the class with the most participation gets a special visit from the Kona Ice truck! We are all in this together and your support of the BEEfund helps us get to our ultimate goal, student success in a world class learning environment.

I hope we are able to reach our goal but it will take EVERYONE’S support!

Until next time!

© Copyright 2020 Morris Brandon PTA.

Website sponsored and maintained by the Morris Brandon PTA.


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