Last Days to Donate to the Bee Fund!
Greetings Parents and Community Members! So much has happened since the last time we spoke! Two of the highlights over the past week were special recognitions that Brandon received from APS. First, at last week’s expanded cabinet meeting where EVERY leader in APS attends, Brandon was recognized as having the highest student attendance for the month of August! While this may not seem like a big deal, when you compare us with EVERY other school in APS (not just elementary), it’s great to see us recognized not only in front of every APS leader but also ahead of a middle school (Young) and high school (Grady). There are tons of studies that show that attendance in elementary school sets the tone for middle and high school. Students who are at school each day and ready to learn are more likely to perform better in school – it’s not rocket science! I hope that, together with our attendance team, we can win this award every month and ultimately for the year. Remember, it is our expectation that every student is present at least 90% of the time he or she is enrolled at school and is here each day by 8:00am ready to learn and grow. Second, I have to give a special shout-out to our Special Education department and co-teachers who were at Brandon last year. APS just released the parent satisfaction survey results and, with a whopping 96.7% satisfaction rate, Brandon was rated the #1 school in APS for special education services as seen through the lens of our parents and community. My new team has big shoes to fill this year and we hope that we can match the history of success that Brandon has had in years past! Aside from our special recognitions, here are some of the awesome activities that took place over the last week:
- Our PC Media Specialist, Ms. Ingram, started to teach our Kindergartners how to code using the resource “How to Code a Sandcastle” by Josh Funk.
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) activities are alive and well on the third grade team. Morning circles and Second Step activities were seen each morning in all of the teacher’s rooms, including our newbies Ms. Haich and Ms. Cohen!
- Our Specials teachers continue to infuse grade-level standards and writing within their curriculum. Dr. Courtney, our MC music teacher, utilized music-thinking strategies in small groups, helping to enhance the writing experience at Brandon.
- Mrs. Dumont, our MC art teacher, began her clay unit as she taught our students how to make pinch pots!
- Our fifth grade university continues to rock it out! They just completed their Wit and Wisdom Module 1 writing assessment and have been working on circuits each day in class! Aside from that, another 7 students were just deemed “Great Americans.” When you have a chance, ask your child what it takes to earn that title.
I continue to be amazed by the talent and love of learning that our students demonstrate each and every day. Everywhere I turn, I see students reading, writing and engaging in meaningful academic conversation. All the credit goes to our amazing teachers. I hope everyone has a restful and relaxing Fall Break (10/8-10/12) and I look forward to seeing everyone upon our return to school on 10/15. Remember that your child’s teacher is available for conferences on Monday or Tuesday of next week and, as always, please feel free to reach out to me or a member of our admin team with any questions or concerns.