


Primary Center

Walkers will be dismissed to the Media Center Lobby entrance at the front of the school at 2:40, where they must be met by a parent or caregiver. If no one is there to meet the child, the student will be sent back to their homeroom and the caregiver must report to the main office where we will call for the child.

Main Campus

Front Lobby Walkers are dismissed at the beginning of dismissal, between 2:40 and 2:45.

Backyard Walkers are dismissed at 2:50.

There are two locations for walkers. Parents must ensure their children know where they will be meeting them.

  • Walkers may be met by their caregiver at the front lobby or the back playground.
  • A staff member will be present in the lobby to ensure each student leaves with their caregiver. Students MAY NOT go out the front doors without their caregiver. If no one is there to meet the child, the student will be sent back to their homeroom and the caregiver must report to the main office where we will call for the child.
  • For walkers who will meet their caregiver on the playground, a staff member will escort the students to the playground and account for each student meeting their caregiver. If no one is there to meet the student, the student will be walked back to their homeroom and the caregiver must report to the main office where we will call for the child.

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Website sponsored and maintained by the Morris Brandon PTA.


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