
Business Partners

BEE a Morris Brandon Elementary School Business Partner 

Brandon Business Partners make a huge impact on school operations, providing funding support, in-kind items and services, and vital discounts that help make Brandon the place to Bee! In return for your generous donations, you will receive extensive exposure throughout the year within our school community—600 loyal Morris Brandon families. 

There are several ways to partner up with us starting with as little as $500—contact any Business Partner Ambassador and see how your company could benefit from being a Business Partner. 

Why wait? Sign up online and submit your logo now HERE.  

Business Partner Ambassadors 

Dean Cleaveland, Jenny Perry, and Peyton Johnston:

Business Partners Levels and Benefits
View our Flyer here!

Platinum Level: $2,500 

  • Large Logo Displayed on Carpool Banner at both Main & Primary Campuses 
  • Sponsor a Signature Morris Brandon Special Event  
  • Partner Spotlight in BeeMail newsletter once/year to 600+ families and staff 
  • Option to send a flyer for your business home in backpacks once/year 
  • Business listed on Yearbook Business Partners Page 
  • Logo Included in weekly BeeMail newsletter to 600+ families and staff 
  • Dedicated Business Partners Holiday E-Blast sent once/year to 600+ families and staff 
  • Business Partner Sticker and Logo to Display at your Business and on your Website 
  • Link on the Morris Brandon Website 

Gold Level: $1,500 

  • Medium Logo Displayed on Carpool Banner at both Main & Primary Campuses 
  • Signage Displayed at Teacher Luncheon, six opportunities annually 
  • Partner Spotlight in BeeMail newsletter once/year to 600+ families and staff 
  • Option to send a flyer for your business home in backpacks once/year 
  • Business listed on Yearbook Business Partners Page 
  • Logo Included in weekly BeeMail newsletter to 600+ families and staff 
  • Dedicated Business Partners Holiday E-Blast sent once/year to 600+ families and staff 
  • Business Partner Sticker and Logo to Display at your Business and on your Website 
  • Link on the Morris Brandon Website 

Silver Level: $750 

  • Partner Spotlight on PTO Facebook page, followed by 1,000+ community members 
  • Option to send a flyer for your business home in backpacks once/year 
  • Business listed on Yearbook Business Partners Page 
  • Logo Included in weekly BeeMail newsletter to 600+ families and staff 
  • Dedicated Business Partners Holiday E-Blast sent once/year to 600+ families and staff 
  • Business Partner Sticker and Logo to Display at your Business and on your Website 
  • Link on the Morris Brandon Website 

Bronze Level: $500 

  • Logo Included in weekly BeeMail newsletter to 600+ families and staff 
  • Dedicated Business Partners Holiday E-Blast sent once/year to 600+ families and staff 
  • Business Partner Sticker and Logo to Display at your Business and on your Website 
  • Link on the Morris Brandon Website 


© Copyright 2020 Morris Brandon PTA.

Website sponsored and maintained by the Morris Brandon PTA.


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