
GO Team

GO Team 2024-2025 School Year


Beginning July 1, 2016, Atlanta Public Schools became a Charter System. Adopting this new operating model allows schools more freedom and flexibility to find new ways to boost student achievement. The best part — parents, educators and community members can now share in the decision-making process by joining the school’s GO Team.

The GO Team replaced the Local School Council model that had previously been operating (through as recent as the 2015-16 school year).

What is the GO Team? 

GO Teams consist of 3 parents (elected by parents), 3 instructional staff (elected by staff members), 2 community members (nominated by principal), 1 swing seat (selected by GO Team), and 1 principal (non-voting member). At the high school level, there is also 1 student who serves. But this does not apply to the Morris Brandon GO Team. For more information on GO Teams and the Charter Operating Model, please visit this APS site.

What does the GO Team do? 

  1. Approve Morris Brandon’s strategic plan 
  2. Approve Morris Brandon’s budget recommendations
  3. Participate in the hiring and evaluation of the school’s principal

Who serves on the GO Team?

Role Name Term Expires
Principal Jacob Bland N/A

Ashley Scott (Chair)

Parent Chris Fellows (Vice Chair) 6/30/2026
Parent Kim Ball  6/30/2026
Staff Hannah Moses 6/30/2026

Xan Jordan

Staff Lena Minock (Cluster Representative) 6/30/2025

Kim Ball


Ena Brooks

Tiffany Ingram



Swing Ashley Mathis 6/30/2025


A summary of meeting actions will be posted within 2 days of the meeting online and at school. The agendas and minutes (until minutes are approved, they will be listed as “summaries”) can be found on the page linked within this paragraph, as they each become available.

The public is welcome at all GO Team meetings and there is a public comment portion at some meetings as noted below. Please see our public comment format and GO Team meeting norms here. If you would like to make a public comment, please fill out THIS FORM beforehand.

Meeting Archives

2022-23 Meeting Archives

2023-24 Meeting Archives

2024-2025 Meetings (all are open to the public – public comment norms can be viewed here):


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Website sponsored and maintained by the Morris Brandon PTA.


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