
Nurse’s Notes

Nurse’s Notes

The Health Services Program provides coordinated school-based nursing services to ensure the delivery of quality individualized health services for students to facilitate daily school attendance and enhance academic achievement.

APS Health Services Page

Allergies or Serious Medical Condition: If your child has a life-threatening allergy or any other serious medical condition, please notify the classroom teachers and school nurse in writing as soon as possible.

Clinic Cards: For the safety of your child, the school will maintain emergency information including parents’ names, addresses, phone numbers and the name and phone number of a relative or neighbor to be contacted in case a parent cannot be reached. Any change in information must be reported to the office.

Illness Policy: For the well-being of all the children, a sick child should be kept at home. Do NOT bring your child to school if your child has any signs of illness such as fever, sore throat, contagious skin rash, cough, headache, vomiting or diarrhea. Students must be free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school. Students should remain at home until they can maintain a normal temperature (below 100 Fahrenheit or 37.8 Celsius) for a full 24 hours or more without taking fever–reducing medication.

Medication: Atlanta School Board policy prohibits the administration of medication to students by employees without authorization. If your child must take any medication at school (even over-the-counter medications like Ibuprofen) you and your child’s doctor must complete and sign this Medication Form.

School Nurses:

  • Lori Oxman (MC) 404-802-7250
  • Brandy Ford (PC) 404-802-7280

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