
Transportation and Arrival/Dismissal

Transportation procedures have been developed with the safety of our children as the top priority. Please make sure that, regardless of how your student gets to and from school, every person in your household is aware of and prepared to follow all procedures so we can all Bee Safe!

PikMyKid is the primary transportation hub for Morris Brandon. All families will need to download the PikMyKid app from the iTunes or Google Play store.

Please click on the following links to take you to more detailed information about the various methods of transportation available to the Morris Brandon Community:

General Transportation Information

Existing Brandon students – your contact information is already in our database. If you have not done so, please download the PikMyKid appfrom iTunes or the Google Store. This important tool allows you and the school to communicate in real time about how your student will depart from school.

New Brandon students – you will receive a welcome email from your teacher with a link to a Google form that you MUST fill out in order for your student to leave school safely. After you complete the form, please wait for someone to email you from with instructions on how to download and access our transportation app. You will not be able to access the app until your information is entered into the database by our team.



  • All changes need to be made in PikMyKid before NOON – follow app instructions HERE (Spanish version). We no longer accept Change of Transportation paper forms.
  • Please reserve last minute changes for EMERGENCIES ONLY. If you do need to make a change after 12:00pm, do not email your teacher. Instead, call the front office at 404-802-7280 (PC) or 404-802-7250 (MC).


  • If you need a carpool number decal (or need a second set), please complete this Google form.
  • Decals are sent home with students. Please apply your number to the passenger side of your vehicle’s windshield.
  • If you have designated Carpool at the Primary Center as your mode of pickup, you cannot change to Walker while you are waiting in the Carpool line. All changes in transportation must be made before noon.


  • If you have a question or an issue with the bus, you must contact the Atlanta Public Schools Transportation department at 404-802-5500.
  • If you are experiencing problems with PikMyKid, please call support at 813-649-8028, and select option 1. Please do not reach out to your teacher with questions about the app.
  • If you have a question that is not addressed here, please contact the front office at 404-802-7280 (PC) or 404-802-7250 (MC).


For parents with students at both campuses

  • Bus riding is STRONGLY encouraged.
  • When riding the bus is not an option, we suggest allowing one student to ride the shuttle (an APS bus that goes to each campus) and meeting both students at one campus.
  • Parents or caregivers awaiting the shuttle should greet student(s) as a “walker” in front of the media center at the Primary Campus, and in front of the school at the Main Campus, and then await the arrival of the shuttle to greet the other child(ren). Parents must park in an available, non-reserved parking spot while awaiting the shuttle.
  • It is also possible to pick up from both campuses through the carpool line at each campus.

For parents with students involved in Before School Activities (ex. Safety Patrol; Jump Rope, etc.):

  • Students may be dropped off in the front of the school before the driveway is closed to bus-only traffic at 7:00 a.m.
  • Students may be dropped off in the Howell Mill lot between 7:00 and 7:10 a.m. by pulling past the carpool line to drop off their student. After 7:10 a.m, parents must wait in the carpool line.
  • Students MAY NOT be dropped off in the Teacher’s Parking Lot on Dover Rd.

© Copyright 2020 Morris Brandon PTA.

Website sponsored and maintained by the Morris Brandon PTA.


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