Junior Beta Club
Junior Beta Club
A fundamental building block for a successful school is student participation. Elected members of Jr. Beta Club have an opportunity to be active participants in the culture of the school and community by giving opinions to key decision makers.
Jr. Beta Club provides an excellent opportunity for students to experience the democratic process for which elections are an integral part. By voting for representatives, all students have the opportunity to participate in an important element of the school community.
Responsibilities of elected Jr. Beta Club representatives include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Assisting with peer conflict resolution.
- Calendar year planning.
- School mission and vision.
- Assisting with school-wide service and action projects.
- Serving as ambassadors for your class and school, and assist guests in the building.
- Giving a student voice to issues and policies like the school-wide Essential Agreements, service project ideas, technology to purchase, and playground improvements.
A quality Jr. Beta Club representative exhibits and models the attitudes supported by the IB program. Qualities of a good representative include confidence, empathy, integrity, independence, respect, tolerance, appreciation, cooperation, enthusiasm, creativity, and curiosity.
Students interested in running for Jr. Beta Club have the right to campaign about why s/he would do a good job on student council. It is each student’s responsibility to be respectful of peers at all times. Representatives will attend scheduled meetings – meetings will be held 1-2 days each month (final calendar TBD). Students at risk for a “U”s in behavior or work habits on the first quarter report card do not qualify to run for Jr. Beta Club.
The most important thing a Jr. Beta Club representative can ever hope to do is be responsible and be there for anyone and everyone who needs help. Representatives will work together to make the school a more peaceful, fun, and better place to learn for all! For more information about our parent organization – National Beta Club – visit www.betaclub.org.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mr. Sam De Carlo and visit the Morris Brandon Jr. Beta Club website.