BEEs Can Do This!
Greetings Parents and Community Members,
Thank you to all of our families that showed much love for Boss’s Day on Friday, October 16! Many students and staff came together to create the GREATEST Flipgrid video tribute for me. It absolutely made my day!! I also wanted to give a huge shout out to Coach Wyman and her efforts with supporting the Atlanta Georgia Kids Heart Challenge. With her coordination and your support, Morris Brandon was able to raise enough money to land in the top 25 schools out of over 170 schools across the metro Atlanta area. Thank you for continuing to support our school and students around this awesome initiative helping to raise awareness and support for the American Heart Association.
As you know, due to the COVID-19 health data that is trending unfavorably and in consultation with public health officials and healthcare experts along with stakeholder feedback, APS has postponed reopening plans for in-person learning through January 2021. Click here to read more about this decision on Superintendent Dr. Lisa Herring’s blog.
I, along with the District, certainly do want to acknowledge that there are differing opinions regarding this decision. But, I want you to know that many voices have been considered throughout this process leading up to this decision. Our focus at Morris Brandon now is to continue to provide our students with the high-quality education they need and deserve, regardless of the instructional model. We need your continued support and collaboration in this effort as we put our students first. The time has come for us to refocus our attention on our students and quality virtual instruction.
I also want to share that you are not in this alone. When I started the school year, I emphasized over and over the importance of instilling hope and positivity among our learners. I talked about waking up my son each day, preparing him for virtual Kindergarten, getting him dressed, fed and on the computer by 8am where he could see his favorite teacher and friends. It has not been easy. In fact the first month was extremely tough but he is doing a great job; he is learning a lot and I know that we will get through this together with positivity and grace.
Please continue to lean on me, our awesome administrators and unbelievable teachers as we work to navigate the next 9 weeks of virtual learning. Remember that Morris Brandon is the school it is today not just because of our students, staff and community but also because of the incredible support staff throughout APS that have helped to make it so.
I’m excited for what the next 9 weeks will bring us! We are working on creative plans to keep our students engaged through it all including not just great instruction but HIVE rallies, a book character dress up day and drive through next Friday, virtual school dances and our very first student town hall. Lots more info to come!
Until next time