2nd Grade News
Second Grade
2023-24 Grade Level Coordinator
Second Grade Curriculum
In second grade, our reading and spelling become even stronger! We will use the Fundations Phonics, a structured, systematic, multi-sensory program based on a philosophy of incremental development of new skills and continual review throughout the year. Through our Wit & Wisdom curriculum, the children will learn three types of writing this year: Narrative, Opinion and Informative.
Children revisit and build upon math skills and concepts learned from first grade and throughout the year in second grade.
We will not take the Georgia Milestones test this year. Second graders are evaluated using Reading and Math performance tests given online called the MAP Fluency and Growth assessments.
Second graders will also learn about space, our government, Georgia regions, famous Georgians, forces and motion, states of matter and plant and animal life cycles.
2nd Grade Team
Sarah Fallon | Sarah.Meyer@atlanta.k12.ga.us |
Kathryn Fellows | kfellows@atlanta.k12.ga.us |
Corinne Klibanoff | corrine.klibanoff@atlanta.k12.ga.us |
Alejandro Mendez | amendez@atlanta,k12.ga.us |
Catherine Newell | Catherine.newell@atlanta.k12.ga.us |
Olivia Strickland | Olivia.strickland@atlanta.k12.ga.us |